Sustainable Development Goals
In the Orana Group, we have been actively working on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) since 2016. CSR, Sustainability and SDGs are management-driven in the Orana Group as we – as a company – want to ensure that our company is contributing to a sustainable future for everyone. Our goal is to minimize our footprint and ultimately to have a neutral footprint in the world.
As a global company, we are working with a shared set of values and principles for good and ethical business conduct. We see the SDGs as a business driver to support our vision to be a sustainable value-based company and at the same time creating value to the company.
The following 3 SDGs are the prioritized SDGs the Orana Group is working on:
Goal 8
Goal 5
Goal 12
We are working on new production facilities abroad, where we besides focusing on goal 8, 5 and 12 also focus on: